Kids fitness is a major concern today with several kids becoming overweight or even obese by the time they reach their teenage years. Over 40% of the kids in the US are believed to be overweight. Even though obesity is often believed to be because of genetic factors or because of over-eating, lack of proper exercise is also a major reason for obesity among children.

There is an imbalance between activity and diet that causes even children who eat normally to put on excessive weight. Obesity is determined by calculating the body mass index, which is the ratio between the height and the weight. A BMI between 17 and 23 is considered healthy. Anything higher than this is considered to be obesity.

These days, there are special fitness programs exclusively for kids. These include exercises, healthy nutritional plans, and even emotional strengthening. Kids fitness programs are designed to be a lot of fun. They are also designed based on their age.

Kid fitness programs are comprised of several activities like: T-ball, hockey, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, flag football, track and field, boxing, kickboxing, and martial arts. There are also special fitness programs that use unique skills like dancing, ballet, cheerleading, gymnastics, and yoga. Kids should also be encouraged to participate in rigorous activities like tag, chase, jump rope, random running, racing, swimming, cycling, and walking.

There are also fitness programs that involve the whole family. These are a great way to incorporate healthy living into the entire family's routine, so that the kids do not feel alienated when they have to exercise alone. Nowadays, many summer camps are incorporating fitness programs into their regimes. There are also special fitness programs for kids with disabilities.

Fitness Programs provides detailed information on Fitness Programs, Fitness Training Programs, Golf Fitness Programs, Kid Fitness Programs and more. Fitness Programs is affliated with Gym Equipment.



Lisa said...

I'm a teacher & often speak with parents who lose control of their children around the time of puberty. Their children want to play video games & watch television & the parents are unable to motivate them to get the exercise they need. I think the idea of getting the whole family involved in fitness is an excellent idea. I enjoyed your post.


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